
Virtual survey on AnetoThe virtual survey on Aneto allows data collection – virtual and voluntary – with information related to the ascent or attempted ascent to this peak during the summer season (June-October period of each year).

We know the profile of the people rescued in Aneto thanks to the data collected by the Mountain Rescue and Intervention Units of the Civil Guard in Aragon. However, we do not know what fraction of the mountaineers who attempt the ascent are requiring these rescues and whether that fraction has a specific profile or some characteristic that allows for preventive actions explicitly directed at them.

The data analyzed from the virtual survey on Aneto The survey was launched in the summer of 2023.

That first year, 519 surveys were registered on people who had promoted or attempted to promote to Aneto during the period June-October 2023. The information collected is analyzed in this link.

Have you promoted or tried to promote Aneto this summer? We would like to ask you some questions…

We want to continue knowing what the people who have promoted or are trying to promote to Aneto are like this summer. To collect this information we have the virtual survey about your ascent or attempted ascent of Aneto in summer conditions, to be filled out once you have returned from the summit or summit attempt. Do you want to tell us your experience? We only need 5 minutes of your time. We hope to continue collecting data during this year as well. If you have ascended or tried to ascend to Aneto, or know someone who has gone, please share and fill out this survey.

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