The virtual survey on Aneto allows data collection – virtual and voluntary – with information related to the ascent or attempted ascent to this peak during the summer season (June-October period of each year). We know the profile of the people rescued in Aneto thanks to the data collected by the …
The option of ascending Aneto via Ibón del Salterillo is recommended when the Aneto glacier is exposed. In this situation, it is recommended to avoid the route through the Upper Portillón and opt for this one. Bad conditions on the Upper Portillón route On the ascent along the classic route of the Superior …
Each year a series of free talks are offered to the general public on how to safely ascend Aneto. They are normally held at the Palacio de los Condes de la Ribagorza, in collaboration with Benasque Town Council, which provides this venue for the talks. Guides from the valley provide information on the state of the …
One of the most traditional activities undertaken by practitioners of alpine skiing or ski mountaineering is reaching the summit of Aneto on skis, not just so they can take in the breathtaking views of the highest peak of the Pyrenees, but so they can enjoy the almost 1,400-metre descent awaiting them between the …
In summer, there is always a day when the mountaineers are completely taken aback because it is snowing in Aneto in the middle of August. The is a common occurrence, as it can snow at quite a low altitude (2,000 m) on any given day in September, with this snow hanging around for a few days and making it difficult …
Each year the winter snow retreats to higher altitudes and leaves behind less and less of the white stuff as summer draws nearer. The images published by the Benasque Valley guides in August 2017 showing the condition of Aneto Glacier revealed a névé at the point of disappearing, exposing the old, black and …
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